Lets Talk Storage…

S T O R A G E - S O L U T I O N S

beautiful sunset shot from the Langston harbour hotel on Hayling Island

So the other day I had a client reach out to me to say that their beautiful (yet potentially clumsy) husky had knocked a cup of coffee onto their laptop and they had lost all of their wedding photos
Now, luckily I have been too busy to get around to my annual gallery clearance to remove galleries more than a year old...Cloud Storage is super effective for my job, but it isn't cheap and it comes with some hefty price tags...So in this instance I was able to send them the link to their gallery to download all of their files again, but had I cleared them, it wouldn't have been quite so easy!

So I thought it was probably pertinent to just do some house work and remind all my clients, past, present and future, that you need to buy storage for your files...computers are great, but literally anything can happen to them!

I have attached a few links to options I can recommend, from USB sticks to decent HDDs, its always worth having more than one and to keep one at home and one in a cloud storage....again, you're not storing a few pictures from the beach...you're storing your wedding day photos and when it comes to storage the phrase "buy cheap, buy twice" just doesn't cut it, because if you lose the files due to a cheap storage solution, they will be gone forever!

**These are affiliate links, so yes, if you buy using them, I will make a little bit of money...

1Tb Lacie Rugged HDD

SanDisk 128gb Memory stick

Western Digital 12Tb Desktop HDD

Please, for the love of weddings, consider buying one of these...or, let me know when you book that you want to include a USB stick (my top package has one included!) and I can add it on for you!


Six top ways to save THOUSANDS on your big day!